Government and Public Sector

Hunt & Hunt has a long history of acting for Commonwealth, state and local government departments, agencies and statutory authorities throughout Australia. 

Hunt & Hunt has a long history of acting for Commonwealth, state and local government departments, agencies and statutory authorities throughout Australia. Our expertise in the government and public sector is best demonstrated by our appointment to legal services panels for the Commonwealth Government, NSW Government and Victorian Government. Additionally, we represent over 40 local municipalities throughout Australia.

Our experience and familiarity with government means we understand the specific needs of our government clients, that they operate in a unique environment and they are subject to a high level of scrutiny.

Over the years we have developed an understanding of the interconnected nature of agencies and how to navigate and work through the often complicated issues that can occur.

  • building and construction law
  • competition law
  • compliance and enforcement
  • compulsory land acquisition
  • conflict of interest/probity
  • corporate and commercial
  • dispute resolution and litigation
  • employment and workplace relations
  • environment and climate change
  • freedom of information and privacy
  • governance
  • information technology
  • insurance and public liability
  • intellectual property
  • land use planning
  • property.

Administrative Law

Our government clients draw on our extensive public sector experience. Our administration and public law team comprises highly respected practitioners, some of whom have previously held senior positions within government and the public sector, which gives our team a unique perspective and understanding of the context within which advice must be prepared, received and implemented.

Our administrative and public law experience includes:

  • representation in merit reviews in Commonwealth and state tribunals such as AAT, VCAT and NCAT.  We routinely appear in tribunals defending a broad range of decisions made for the development, transport, customs, liquor, security, and education industries
  • conducting or defending proceedings for judicial review in superior courts where there are complaints concerning exercise of power, jurisdiction, procedural fairness and natural justice
  • statutory interpretation
  • drafting statutory instruments
  • advice on the introduction of policy initiatives and effective public administration. We are conversant with principles for good public governance
  • undertaking prosecutions.

We also assist private sector and private clients who are challenging administrative decisions, seeking access to documents under freedom of information laws or who require representation in the Coroners Courts, Royal Commissions, or before corruption watchdogs. We assist our clients whether they are being investigated by police or whilst under investigation by regulatory authorities, and we provide them with guidance and advice about their obligations to provide evidence and the strategy for a trial.

Latest Insights

Councillors as candidates – what is the law?

August 12, 2022

Given the recent May 2022 Australian federal election and the looming November 2022 Victorian state election, the provisions around local government Councillors being candidates for state and federal elections have been topical.  We thought it…

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Silver Linings of the Pandemic – Federal Parliament Passes Permanent Changes to Allow Electronic Signing of Documents and Virtual Meetings

March 22, 2022

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicting court decisions around the country had fostered uncertainty as to whether a company could safely execute documents electronically. Amidst the great upheaval created by the spread of the virus…

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Update on Victorian Sex Work Reforms

March 1, 2022

On 22 February 2022, the Victorian Parliament passed the Sex Work Decriminalisation Bill 2021 and Royal Assent is expected imminently. The new law recognises that sex work is lawful work, and therefore should be regulated…

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Our Government and Public Sector Lawyers