Corporate Reputation and the Law


Why is reputation management so important?

Once lost, a reputation is difficult to maintain, yet alone retain. Threats to corporate reputation need to be carefully managed and addressed. The interaction with the legal system is an important piece of that puzzle.

Where do risk to reputation and legal issues intersect?

Being involved in legal proceedings, whether it be litigation or regulatory action, carries inherent reputational risk. Opponents will often leverage the media to apply reputational risk through sensationalist soundbites.

Managing Reputation risk can be lost in the heat of the battle.

Managing reputation risk is an important, but often overlooked, part of any legal strategy. It can easily get lost in the "heat of the battle".

Before taking any step or framing the position, careful consideration needs to be given as to how it will present to an external audience absent any nuance or context.

So you have identified the risk – what should you do?

There is no one correct approach. Each industry and organisation will have its own unique reputation lens driven by commercial objectives and navigated by stakeholders and management.

In any situation, the legal position must be assessed by factors including reputation and the overall legal strategy deployed accordingly. Keep key stakeholders informed and bring external support such as PR firms as may be required.

Hunt & Hunt's Commercial Litigation team want to assist you to demystify the litigation process, so you can focus on achieving your commercial objectives.

Download our FREE eBook Corporate Reputation and the Law to help you understand the journey of navigating a dispute below.

Corporate Reputation & the Law

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